Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hunny... Am I?

I have come to the conclusion, that my e-mail inbox consists predominantly of advertisements, or "spam" about the latest anti-depressants along with ads for gadgets and magical pills to inhance the size of one's penis. After a good few months of my e-mail being filled with nothing but the latest ads for valium, prozac, codine and viagra - I think I have gotten only a dozen or so "true" e-mails from family or friends, you know, e-mail that I would actually take a minute or two to read. But oh no, my e-mail is filled with stupid advertisements about disorders and less-than statisfactory sized male reproductive organs. Oh joy.

Normally, I wouldn't really care, just click the little delete key a million times to rid my precious mail box of those undesirable spam e-mails... however, today I thought about it... as far as I know, I don't have any psychological problems causing me to take hard-to-pronounce perscription pills (though I must admit, the word "valium" rolls off the tip of one's tongue quite nicely)... and... after a dozen advertisements saying "Are you unhappy? Can you not please your wife and/or significant other? Is it because your penis is simply too small?!"... I have come to the conclusion, that yes - I am not happy with the size of my penis; it pleases no one, and I'm ashamed to admit how small I am... everytime I read one of these e-mails, I can feel my ego plummet a few thousand-feet to somewhere below zero - all because I have an unstatisfactory-sized member... it makes me cry alittle on the inside... I hate those e-mails...

Suddenly however, it eventually dawns on me, that I in fact, do not have a penis... at least not one that I know of - I am a woman, anatomically speaking, I do not have a penis; I never have had one - so I suppose that getting such e-mails day after day, is rather pointless... what would be a relavent spam e-mail you ask? Perhaps, seeing as I am a woman, a few ads about breast enlargement - don't get me wrong, I am rather happy with my breasts, I'm comfortable with my body, but what about those less-breasted women? What are they going to do? Are advertisements for penis enlargement really going to help them in the long run? I think not...

My point being, after this long drawn-out incoherent rambling, is that spam/advertisements filling my inbox, do less than amuse me... they quite often make me mummble to myself "what the hell? why am i getting this?! I'm not a man!"... I'm sure somewhere, some man has gotten depressed after reading all of those enlargement ads, and ordered a year's supply of valium, prozac and a party-mix of antidepressants... poor, poor man...

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