Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Emmerson? Wasn't He A Liberal?

It appears that few are "happy" with the appointment of David Emmerson, a former Liberal MP to be the International Trade minister.

After having crossed over only two weeks after his electoral win; many are disappointed - to say the least. Many elect a canidate because they like the person in their riding, or perhaps the party... maybe even because they didn't want to vote Conservative...

Although during the last election, Belinda crossed over to the Liberal party, Emmerson did so on less than admirable levels - his consituant office was not even aware of this change until they were told by the media - a card-carrying Liberal, whom claimed that he was loyal to his party, crosses the floor and jumps into bed with Harper, before the parliment has even resumed. Smart move Emmerson.

However, dispite the simularities between deflections, "Anders denied Emerson's recruitment was a repeat of Belinda Stronach's decision to cross to the Liberals in 2005"... you're right, it wasn't - it was a more dishonest and devious move than hers. At least she gave some warning... what happened? Did Emerson wake up one morning and think "well... I think blue is more my colour?" I feel for all of those that supported Emerson and the Liberal Party - I would be pretty pissed off as well, if the MP in my riding did that.

Two faced, just "two weeks ago, Emerson was saying the Harper Conservatives were heartless"... let me guess, in a few weeks he's going to jump over to the Bloc? Perhaps NDP? Grow the famous "Layton moustache"?

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