Friday, February 17, 2006

Harper, Are You Really A Moron?

I'm sure many have asked themselves "Is Stephen Harper a moron?" - I know that I've asked myself that question more times than I can count... not bad for him to have only been the PM for what? Three weeks? Kudos Harper, lets all give him a round of applause. Yes, you in the back, that means you need to clap as well... I don't hear any clapping! Yes, that's better. Clap clap clap... clap...

"Stephen Harper is considering one of the most chaotic corners of Afghanistan as a preferred destination for his first prime ministerial foreign trip." (Canadian Press, February 17, 2006)... is it really that smart of a move? Sure, he might want to "make a difference in the world", hell everyone does - even at Miss Universe all of those bomb-shell blondes say "I want world peace"... yea, sweetie, we all do - but that ain't gonna happen.

Harper also said "Canada may not be a superpower -- but we stand for higher values to which all peoples aspire", if that's true, then should we perhaps not act as the maid to clean up all of the messes Bush and his neo-evil buddies make? Perhaps to be better, spend alittle bit more time at "home", solve a few problems here and there in our own country... it's for example, cleaning up your little brother's messy flea-infested bedroom, when your own bedroom smells of monkey defication... wouldn't you want to clean your own room? Extreame, I know... but I'm trying to make a point here... that point being it's pretty stupid to step up another "additional 5.3 billion in military spending over five years and 13,000 more regular forces", when they could put that money somewhere like education, healthcare, maybe give a few homeless people a home?

I think I have rambled enough, if you were actually interested in this... you can go read "Harper considering Afghanistan for first foreign trip" it's an interesting article anyway...

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