Monday, February 27, 2006

And I'll Cry If I Want To...

Needless to say, yet again I'm not a huge "fan" of our Prime Minister
Stephen Harper... in fact, even a month after the Elections, I still visibly shudder when he's brought up on the news... I'm sure that if he didn't have that evil smile and disgusting hair-piece, I wouldn't mind so much... or, you know, if he'd been a Liberal...

Hmm, that made me think... what would happen if Harper crossed the floor? Oh boy, wouldn't that piss off a whole bunch of people... that would make me giggle like a 12-year-old school girl...

Anyway... after reading countless news paper articles and watching who knows how many hours of news, I have come to the brilliant conclusion that this Conservative government is not off to a good start... thank goodness that I'm not a supporter, I would be hiding in a closet somewhere, crying in the dark.

First there was dear old Emerson, according to the article "Emerson, Harper Will Pay" by Richard Foot, many historians "say David Emerson's backflip into the Conservative cabinet is an unprecedented showof arrogance and a grave error by Prime Minister Stephen Harper", I could not agree more; it is (still) an outrage that a person could run for one party and express themselves in partisan terms, then jumping into the metaphorical bed a week later. One would think that an MP should be able to speak on behalf of their consituents, and have their support - I'm sure that Emerson has all the support he needs... from his mob of body gaurds and other goons, he sure as hell is not getting it in Vancouver where many voters are still protesting against him, demanding that Emerson return to Vancouver like a big boy and face a byelection. This says so much about all the preaching Harper did about "clean politics", does it not? Harper's crisp white shirts aren't so white now are they? Maybe some Tide and another election is the cure.

Then there was the idea of missile defence brought up, yet again - I cannot stress enough how stupid that idea is... I'm sure that I'm not the only one that thinks that this will just cause the beginnings of the next arms race...

You mustn't forget Flaherty's federal budget, which will rear it's ugly face pretty soon. Although Harper and his cabinet haven't been shy to say as to where they're going to spend the "big bucks", they haven't considered how much some of these promises are going to cost - I'm just a first year university student, but even I know that economic growth won't generate enough money to satisfy Harper's long list of shiney promises... yet Flaherty says that "he's confident that he can balance everything" - perhaps he can try to balance the boxes of Kraft Dinner and creamsicles he could buy on a student loan; better him playing around with play-money in a daycare then running the country into a deficit... deficit, what a wonderful FUN word... sure, the country needs a few dollars towards military, education, tax cuts, this and that - though they've pledged $5 billion on new military spending over the next 5 years, in addition to the $5 billion that had been promised by the former Liberal government... not to mention that Harper's decided to keep the Liberal child-care plan until March 2007, which will add a good $700million dollards to his cheques to send out to families for childcare starting in July. Good move, buddy... don't ya know money doesn't grow on trees? Or do they in Harper-Land?

I'm sure that you're getting the picture now... or at least... a well crafted finger-painted portrait of Harper's government thus far... we all know that I could babble for hours on end about all the stupid things that have been going on during this long month under Conservative leadership... but do you really want to sit on your ass that long reading it? I didn't think so - my fingers ache from typing anyway...

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