Thursday, November 10, 2005


Hmm, not much going on - just school, and I'm officially a... blonde'ish person... two different shades of blonde, along with a few streaks of brunette that my hair previously was - it's a bit wierd... well, not wierd... very different I suppose is the correct phrase. Oh well... I'll go back to being a brunette when my hair grows out... I also got it cut - it's a bit shorter in the back, and longer in the front; no one would notice, I don't think... I will have to play with my straightening iron in the morning.... flip it out and play with goop... and by goop, I mean gel... yay for hairstyling products.

It snowed the other day... kind of... as much as I like snow, it needs to go away... it's gone now, but it'll be back... which has me wondering, how many months until summer?

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