Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Anything But Ordinary

Well, I did it - I finally finished that god-forsaken evil sociology paper that was haunting me like the smelly sock on my floor that I didn't bother to move. The assignment was rather easy('ish), just...so time consuming... is this what university's all about? Time consuming assignments that make you want to gnaw-off your own toe? Why a toe... and why "gnaw" I don't know; it was the first things that popped into my head.

Now that I'm done that paper, it's going to be lamenated, and put into an air-tight container that will withstand and survive through all eternity - might be a bit drastic for such a trivial thing... but I don't care. If there was a possibility of being paid for the hours it took to finish that damn thing, I'd be rich... which would mean a trip to Nice, France. Something "Nice" for something being done... oyi... now, I will start working on philosophy again...

My foot is tingly, not a normal tingling either... wierd... is it wrong that a tingling foot is amusing me so much right now? Maybe I should get back to work... and by back to work I mean start philosophy... instead of being facinated by a foot... that would be the wise thing to do... right?

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