Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Deciever of Fools

(Some material discussed may not be suitable for all viewers - Viewer Descretion Advised)

So... the liberal government fell yesterday... I'm all excited... why am I excited you ask? It's because... dun dun dun... I'm FINALLY legal voting age! Woot! Yes...I said "woot"... for whatever demented reason federal politics amuse me...

NDP - Layton seems like a decent enough "nice guy"... he appears to show those feelings of genuinely wanting to make the world a better place. For whatever reason, he reminds me of a carebear (don't ask why)... and if not a carebear, than that really nice guy at an ice cream shop that feels sorry for you because you don't have enough change for your chocolate ice cream cone, so he lets you have your ice cream for free... or something equally nice like that. In my opinion, I think that all that will happen with the NDP in this election, is that the party will gain a few more seats... *shrugs*

Conservatives - In my opinion, Harper is a prime-minister-wannabe; he reminds me of that arrogant cocky bastard who would try to steal your money (if you're older), or possibly steal candy from a baby... he just has that "aura" around him... that stealing candy bastard... I believe his (horrible) hair to be fake, if he is lying about his hair, what else is he lying about? In addition, I believe that if he cut the fucking shit of always wanting to bring up same-sex marriage, if he emphasized the party's platform INSTEAD of trying to appeal to the countries bible-thumping-homophobic population, then they might actually have a chance. Very unlikely, but at least the glimmer of hope (MIGHT) be there... I highly doubt that the Conservatives will come to power any time soon, and in the event the Conservatives don't come to power, they might possibly start to reconsider Harper as their leader. (If you could not already tell, I'm not what one would consider a conservative supporter... haha)

Blocquebecois - bless their francophone-ness... they serve as an "other" option for those who are currently hating the liberals, or supporting seperatism... or just don't want to vote conservative... *shrugs* I haven't heard too much about this party lately, but I'm sure that when I do, I will form more of an opinion and blog about them sometime in the future.

Liberals - Martin has done an okay job; the fact that he's been standing up to that fucker Bush makes me want to give him brownies, or at least "brownie points" as it's commonly called. Every party will make some mistakes when they're in power - after all (despite all the political corruption) they're still human, ergo humans make mistakes, that's what makes us humans, we MAKE mistakes. The whole Gomery Report may have quite an effect on their support in (more so in Quebec)... but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they remained in power...

So... that's my (current) political opinions regarding the four "main" parties... green party got 4-point-something-percent in the last federal election... perhaps they'll gain a percent or two... however I'm pretty sure that this election will be more based on not wanting the "evil" conservatives gain power of our country... after all, Harper DOESN'T LOVE our country... he basically said so while questioned by an interviewer... or, maybe he was just TOO masculine and wanting to show how heterosexual-want-to-be-prime-minster he really was and didn't want to say that little four-letter word that we know everyone likes to hear once in awhile...

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