Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I am very much relieved that I have finished my sociology paper; however I am still waiting for the time to lamenate, and vacume-seal the paper for all of eternity. If you have not already noticed, I am quite proud that I actually finished the paper... it took so long to finish. Grr, yes, that's right, "grr".

Friday night my good friend Slushie is coming over - a belated halloween, if you will. There will be plenty of horror movies watched. Random note regarding horror movies; is it wrong of me to admit that some of those movies make me giggle? Saw was a good movie, I'm looking forward to (eventually) seeing the sequel... if it turns out to be one of those sequels that "butcher" the original movie, I might just have to cry. According to one friend, Saw 2 was "nasty"... that generally translates into me giggling...

Thought of the day: Therepy is expensive, popping bubble plastic is cheap... you'll see...

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