Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Political Puppy Love

"Call Stephen Harper what you will, but don't call him a Conservative Casanova" (Canadian Press, 2006) - no problem, can do - he's not my type... I'm not into the slime-ball creepy Conservatives, thank you very much. And quite frankly, blue isn't one of my favorite colors - give me a nice mauve or crimson, perhaps a nice charcoal black.
The prime minister was quick to correct a New Democrat MP who accused him today of "seducing former Liberal David Emerson into switching parties. Harper reminded the House of Commons that his reputation is that of a bookish loner rather than a hot-blooded lothario.
Um... Okay... "bookish loner"... I have a variety of other adjectives that could be added as well, but I'm afraid none of them are too flattering. Though, I'm sure that someone finds that green flak jacket of his to be attractive - does not nothing for his expanding figure, but if he thinks he looks good then... what can ya do? Aside from throw him onto an episode of that television show "What Not To Wear" and a five-week intensive "Queer Eye For the Straight Guy" boot-camp.
" 'I don't think I've ever even been accused of seducing anyone, even my wife,' he told chortling MPs." I'm sure he hasn't... but does someone who has never seduced have children? I'm a naive young-person... and according to the "birds and the bees" metaphore, there must've been some degree of seduction there... Unless of course he ordered his wife out of one of those mail-order-bride catalogues... Maybe e-bay... I'm sure sure how that system works...
Either way, I'm sure that there was some seducing of Emerson by Harper... it probably started off with a flirty smile, a gentle touch of the arm... letting out a quiet giggle at a stupid joke Emerson had made... I'm sure things eventually escalated to Stephen making a romantic mix-cd for David... perhaps passing notes written with pink cursive writing back and forth - daring to be caught by the Speaker... oh... I'm sure it was love at first sight... and what else is one to do while in love, but to give their lover a special place, not only in their heart, but parliament?
But... oh dear, oh my... what will ever happen when Harper and Emerson break up? Will Harper cry silently in a corner wondering what went wrong? Which one will say, "it's not you... it's me"? Will Emerson go run off and connoodle with Jack? Gilles? Or will Emerson slink humbly back to the Liberals, holding wilted daisies and a handmade glitter-card that says "I'm sorry"? It's a shame when true love fades...
Nothing good can come from political puppy love. Nothing... nothing but broken hearts, crazy love-triangles and salty tears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of puppy love, I wonder if Belinda Stronach is still going to be in love with the Liberal party after Bill Graham said that the Bloc and the Liberals actually have a lot of common ground and could work together to apply heat to the Conservatives. Do you think she is going to jump ship again? Or will she just spin the situation as Liberals tend to do so that the two are not related at all.