Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Hetero, Homo & Politically Insane

Like most days when I have a long break between lectures, I like to sit and "chill" in the student lounge, scrolling through random newspapers and giving my friends an ear-full when something strikes my fiesty political opinion. Oh, it's grand being an opinionated university student... for that reason alone, I felt compelled to blog about the random articles that I have read this morning - and give my two-cents even if you already have a nickel and have no need for spare change.
First off... I read an article outlining the throne speech yesterday - needless to say, I wasn't cheering on the Govenor General as she read Harper's scripted eleven-page skit... I suppose if they used sock puppets instead, I would have been more amused.
Stephen Harper used his Conservative government's first
throne speech to set a course oward a more flexible federalism, greater respect
for Quebec and smoother relations with "our best friend" the United
I'm sure the only flexibility there is going to be is if Harper takes up yoga classes every Tuesday and Thrusday night - or perhaps, be more flexible and stealthy in doing this and that and not be held accountable for their actions; case and point (thus far): the Emerson defection. As for greater respect for Quebec, I'm absolutely smitten with that province - it's particularly lovely during July (spent my summer there last year). As for the United States being our best friend, made me want to vomit... I'm sure the only thing that is going to come from this government is that we're going to become Ameridians... a disgusting mix of American and Canadian... I hope the romp in the hay with Bush is worth it for Harper... I'm sorry... that was so Brokeback Mountain...
Speaking of Brokeback Mountain, that got me thinking about the article "Tories to hold free vote on same-sex marriage says justice minister" that was in the news paper this morning. I don't know about you, but does Harper already have nothing better to do than bring up old news?
The federal Conservatives say they will follow through
on a campaign promie to hold a free vote in the House of Commons on same-sex
marriage... While the issue was not mentioned in Tuesday's throne speech,
Justice Minister Vic Toews says the vote will be held "sooner rather than
later." The Tory campaign platform says if MPs vote to overturn same-sex
marriage, a bill will be introduced to restrict marriage to unions between men
and women.
Who really cares? If two people loves eachother, they should be able to declare that by getting married, if they so chose to do so. Who cares if it's two men, two women, or a man and a woman? Hell, in the United States a woman was able to marry a freaking dolphin! Who cares?! As the Canadian for Equal Marriage says, "the issue should be put to rest".
I suppose that is all the rambling that I will do for today, I have a pb&j sandwich in my backpack that is calling my name, and the possibility of catching a few mintues of sleep before my next lecture.

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