Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Liar, Liar Pants On Fire

I'm sure that Harper being in Burnaby and seeing an array of protesters is old news - though apparently it's not yet old news to the protesters, who "are still angry"; meh, I don't blame them... in fact, I would very much like to partake in a good wholesome Canadian protest. Harper claims to want to follow through with this and that, why doesn't he follow through with his "accountability" bullshit and follow through with all those smurf-like Conservatives who say that 'people should be able to TRUST their government'? I dunno, something tells me that if you're protesting, then you're not exactly trusting the head-cheese.

Then for Emerson to say "it's just that every once I nawhile the locusts descend on me and it creates situations that are a little abnormal, but I carry on with my work" - okay... so... voters are locusts... good one buddy - how about you stop sitting on Harper's lap, and do the right thing? I was listening to the news last night, and a man was talking about how many people voted Liberal because they didn't want a Conservative, and look what they got, a Conservative...
Keep on protesting you guys, I'll sprinkle some glitter on my anti-Emerson sign and hammer it onto my front lawn - the Conservatives on my block won't like it, but who cares? It's a lawn ornament...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You may be interested in this little tidbit from

Apparently Harper neglected to muzzle his minion Peter Appleton:

"However, during the protest a Stephen Harper supporter and Conservative Party member, Peter Appleton, told two critics of David Emerson, who happen to be immigrants and Canadian citizens, to get out of the country. Appleton said "why don't you just go back to the country where you came from?"

Appleton is a Conservative Party official, duly elected to his post by members of the party in his riding. Appleton wore around his neck a name badge identifying himself as the president of the New Westminster--Coquitlam Conservative Electoral District Association.

Appleton's comments are completely unacceptable and are deeply offensive to millions of Canadians."

Enjoy! It should be good for some Standing Up For Canada a la Harpercrit-style.

Also, today's Vancouver Metro has a front page story about Emerson being sad about his switch, and how he would quit if his wife would let him. A friend is bringing a copy over later, but you might find one somewhere. Should be an intersting read ;)