Monday, March 27, 2006

Fashion Police!

Seeing as I have a few minutes to waste before going to my Psychology
lecture, I thought that I would take a few minutes to blog - while I criticized Emerson yesterday, I thought that I would switch things up and poke fun of Harper's fashion statements.

I'm sure that everyone has seen the hideous cowboy-getup, dear God, I have never seen something so ugly... a slightly over-weight politician wearing a black leather cowboy outfit - sooo Brokeback Mountain! Minus the homosexuality of course, Harper doesn't like homosexuals... nevertheless, the cowboy costume is the worst I've seen yet.

I imagine that it's quite hard to constantly be in the public eye; people watching your every move and ... in Harper's case, his expanding waistline. Though along with the sad weight gain, comes the horrible suits. Has anyone noticed how his suits are always either way too baggy? I must admit, my sleeves are sometimes too long, and due to my short stature, my jeans will occassionally drag on the ground (hey, you try finding a good pair of jeans when you're 5'0"!) ... but seriously, you'd think that a high-profile man such as himself, would spend an extra five minutes or a couple dollars to see a tailor... or go to a fashion consultant ... blue may be the Conservative Party colours, however it just doesn't do anything for him. Maybe a nice charcol gray... might match his hair... or black... black would be a good colour - I hear that black is a very sliming colour... not to mention, black goes with everything.

Anyways, aside from complaining about his lack of fashion sense - I don't have anything more to talk about... despite having a few more minutes before having to go to class, I think I've rambled on enough for now...

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