Wednesday, February 07, 2007

National Student Day of Action

Day of Action
Was... Today!

My school had an absolutely AMAZING turn out for a small institution! We even had kids from the local high school come up to join us, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that every single car/truck that passed us on the highway blared their horn giving us the thumbs-up! The weather was great, student's yelling "Reduce Tuition", "Education is a right, we will NOT give up the FIGHT!" along with "We don't want no mac 'n cheese, gordon campbell lower the fees!" was deafening. I am absolutely proud and estatic that such a large group of people can get together from across the country to protest and make their demands that increasing tuition, ancillary fees, and decreased funding are barring students from accessing post-secondary education. All citizens, no matter the size of their pocket book should be able to further their education if they so desire.

So, to mark this momentous day, I'm going to post several clips from protests across the country. WE WILL NOT GIVE UP THE FIGHT!

Video from CHBC

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